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Public Hearing Scheduled October 26, 2022

October 17, 2022

MARQUETTE, MI – The Iron Ore Heritage Recreation Authority (IOHRA) is updating its five-year Recreation Plan, 2023-2028, and is seeking the public’s input through a public hearing scheduled for Wednesday, October 26 at 4:30 pm at the Ishpeming Senior Center.  The information gathered from the public hearing will help set the capital improvement plan for the Iron Ore Heritage Trail for the next five years.

“My board and I would like to gather the public’s feedback on what their preferences are for building, managing, and maintaining a better trail for them. While we may think we understand the needs, the surveys come back with surprises and we appreciate the honest input. In the last fifteen years, we have built a 47-mile interpretive trail system across the County.  It’s time to find out what people want us to do in the next five years.” said Carol Fulsher, Administrator of the IOHRA.

For more information on the Iron Ore Heritage Trail or the 5-Year Recreation Plan, contact Carol Fulsher at 906-235-2923 or visit their website at or Facebook page, IronOreHeritageTrail.